LSAP's Enduring Efforts Now Guarantee Free School Lunches for All

Universal school lunches are now a reality in Minnesota, thanks to the longstanding work of the Legal Services Advocacy Project (LSAP) and food security partners. Under the new universal school meals law signed by Governor Walz on March 17, 2023, every public and charter school student in Minnesota is guaranteed a free school breakfast and lunch each day.

With the new law effective July 1, Minnesota becomes the third state in the U.S. to require schools to serve free lunch and breakfast to all students, regardless of income, thus ending a history of lunch-shaming in Minnesota that has been under scrutiny by LSAP for the past fourteen years.

Last fall, LSAP requested that the Minnesota Department of Education investigate and consult the Attorney General after surveying more than 330 Minnesota school districts earlier in the year. LSAP found that 124 policies appeared to violate the Minnesota law that banned lunch shaming in July 2021. Legislation that LSAP, Hunger Solutions MN, and others had worked hard to help enact. The request resulted in a binding opinion by Attorney General Keith Ellison in November.

LSAP staff attorney Jessica Webster began work on lunch shaming in 2008, when the issue started to be reported, and along with partner groups, has worked on reaching this historic moment ever since.

"LSAP has always known that universal free school meals are the best way to fight child hunger, end lunch shaming, and ensure dignity for all children in school lunch rooms. It was a challenging 14-year advocacy effort, but we're excited and incredibly grateful to the state leaders who finally made it happen," Webster said.

Next fall, more than 800,000 Minnesota children will have guaranteed access to a free hot breakfast and lunch every day at school.