Law Students Use Language Skills to Help Improve Access to Justice

State Support was the lucky beneficiary of more than 140 volunteer hours from incoming first year law students participating in the Minnesota Justice Foundation's Pre-Orientation Service Project. Over three weeks in August, five law student volunteers worked in the office translating Education for Justice (E4J) fact sheets on a variety of topics into French and Hmong. Nou Her (1L, Mitchell Hamline) also recorded audio versions of fact sheets in Hmong, to help better reach community members who may not be literate. Four French-speaking volunteers, Nke Bokolo (1L, University of Minnesota), Olivia Judd (1L, University of Minnesota), Taylor Mayhall (1L, University of Minnesota) and Jessica Siakel (1L, University of St. Thomas) translated an astounding 26 fact sheets, which tripled the number of fact sheets available in French. E4J fact sheets are the most used of all legal information resources on LawHelpMN.orgAll five students expressed their enthusiasm for being able to use their language skills to help make legal information more accessible, and their gratitude for the opportunity to volunteer.  State Support and the legal services community are truly grateful to them and MJF for their tremendous help!

State Support works with MJF to continually find law student translation volunteers to keep our fact sheets updated and available in a variety of languages. This summer volunteer Matthew Hart (2L, University of Minnesota) translated recently updated employment law fact sheets into Spanish, and volunteer Nari Oh (2L, University of Minnesota) is continuing work on our growing Korean language fact sheet repertoire. If you know someone interested in translation work on fact sheets, State Support would love to have their assistance with this project. To volunteer, please contact Emily Good at or 651-842-6913.