Minnesota Legal Advice Online & ProJusticeMN Featured in Bench and Bar


October's edition of Bench and Bar of Minnesota features all things pro bono. Among them, legal aid's options for the busy Minnesota lawyer: Minnesota Legal Advice Online and ProJusticeMN.  These time-saving and innovative online outlets for assisting low income Minnesotans are explained in a featured article by State Support's Emily Good.

MN Legal Advice Online is a virtual legal clinic with a flexible commitment. Through an email conversation, volunteers select submitted questions they want to answer based on their subject matter knowledge. The site easily tracks volunteer hours for CLE credit or North Star Lawyer certification.


ProJusticeMN.org, a website supporting pro bono attorneys and legal aid attorneys, assists volunteers in finding a pro bono case or project, or an upcoming legal training. The site also has an extensive poverty law resource library with practice manuals, document assembly tools, interview guides, and settlement checklists for different areas of law. Read the full article in Bench and Bar.