LASNEM Executive Director Dori Rapaport Featured on Talk Justice Podcast

Talk Justice, an LSC podcast that explores ways to expand access to justice, recently hosted a conversation with Dori Rapaport, executive director of Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota; David Estep, supervising attorney at Legal Aid of West Virginia (LAWV); and Jeanne Robison, Salt Lake City Justice Court Judge.

In the episode, Rapaport, Estep, and Robison each discuss their creative outreach methods to promote access to justice, in part by Holding Court Outside the Courtroom. Rapaport talks about the establishment of Minnesota’s statewide Reach Justice Project, and the use of Legal Kiosks and Justice Buses to meet clients where they are, as well as coordination with the courts for virtual hearings, all to enable legal aid to expand client services particularly in rural areas.

Talk Justice guests are leaders from the legal community, government, and business, who share their unique perspectives and explore strategies for addressing the justice gap. Recent episodes have examined the role of law schools and the benefits of medical-legal partnerships.

LSC recently became affiliated with Legal Talk Network to support Talk Justice and enhance the podcast's sound quality and reach. Listen to episode 47: Holding Court Outside the Courtroom.