MetroDoctors Magazine Features LawHelpMN

LawHelpMN Guide Logo-01.jpg

This month, MetroDoctors, the journal of the Twin Cities medical society, spotlights in an article by State Support’s Emily Good. In Medical-Legal Partnership Online, Good offers an overview of the new LawHelpMN Guide tool with an eye toward doctors who want to help patients address the social determinants of health. The article, and a special pull-out on how the Guide can help doctors make meaningful legal referrals, are aimed toward a greater understanding of the impact of legal services on a patient’s overall health.

In addition, the November/December issue highlights the work of State Support’s pro bono designer, Josie Adkins, whose work on the LawHelpMN Guide logo and infographic are beautifully reproduced in the magazine’s printed edition. A helpful chart framing legal care as health care by the National Center for Medical Legal Partnership is also included. Read the article here.